Facebook Detox Final Day

It has been 30 days.  Well technically it's another 5 hours before it has been exactly 30 days.  I think it was in all, easier and harder than I thought it would be.  Easier in that my own desire to use the site wasn't that great, but harder in the respect that others' expectations and social pressure.

I think it would be perfectly possible to live without Facebook.  I think the site in many respects is actually quite boring.  Although I do think that more and more integration with Facebook has lead it to become seated in a position where if you use the Internet you are expected to use Facebook.  Along with Google and Wikipedia it seems that whatever you search for 9 out of 10 search results will include one of these sites in the top 10 results.

The number of times in the last month that I have Googled something and had Facebook pages thrown up as top results - which I actually have a gripe with, as often the facebook pages are full of crap, spam, useless information or just do not provide anything at all that you were searching for.

So I can see myself logging in to Facebook tomorrow and the site being returned to one of those sites I check regularly and find myself spending a lot of time, wasting time.

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