The One

In a somber note, some might say in a slightly depressing tone, I have been contemplating the idea of 'The One'.

Sadly no, I don't mean our dear Keanu as Neo in The Matrix, although to him I wouldn't say no.  I mean 'The One' as in the dating sense.  I don't really know if such thing really can be true.  It's a nice idea that out there somewhere there's someone for everyone.  The perfect Guy / Girl.

I suppose my greatest hurdle when it comes to embracing this concept is the question of fate or destiny as it where, namely - if 'The One' exists, are you destined to meet them or do you have to go look for them?

Accepting that you are destined to meet is the nicer option but its also the lazy option and despite the fact that it is easy it comes with one big caveat - free will - namely if you accept that you will meet through destiny then you inadvertently accept that you don't control your future or your life for that matter.  Although it would seem that as it were to your advantage therefore you should be happy.

Accepting the latter option where you have to go and look for them throws open a whole new world of possibilities - literally, as your 'one' could be anywhere in the world and with almost 7 billion people out there that's one hell of a haystack and one tiny needle.

Yet there is one last issue, despite the question of how you would find or meet The One, any belief in The One at all negates the question.  If you believe in The One you already accept that Destiny and Fate exist.  If you refuse this then you return to square one, without belief in The One and left with a world of people to search through.

So it seems Destiny is quite Boolean in its design - all or nothing - true or false no third option:

True - True: I believe in The One, I believe we will meet and be brought together.
False - False: I do not believe in The One, I believe I will have to actively search for my partner.

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