Day 05: A Movie That Reminds You Of Someone

This post is part of a series of posts in The 30 Day Movie Challenge

I'm a fan of the Harry Potter Movie series, for a number of reasons but the biggest reason is that it plays to my childhood fantasies and for most people around my age they grew up with Harry Potter that alone creates a link that lead the publishers when publishing the final book to launch a support line along-side the release of the book in anticipation of the many a distraught child who needed one of the most pivotal plot points explained to them - I'm talking of course of the scenes in which Voldermort kills Harry and Harry dies before meeting the deceased Dumbledore and returning. I remember when the support line was announced before the release of the book people wondered what it was for many assumed it was because the series ended but many more read the spoilers for the books and the infamous words "Harry Dies" lead so many people to buy the last book to actually see if it was true.

Here's the trailer:

Here's the IMDB entry:

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