Day 12: A Movie From A Director You Hate

This post is part of a series of posts in The 30 Day Movie Challenge

As I often say Hate is such a strong word but in some cases it can be justified.  I hate James Cameron.  I think he has no respect for Movies, I think he feels like he could take a dump on a plate and film it for 3 hours and slap a 3-D sticker on it and charge people a fortune to see it.  I didn't always feel this way about him, I actually like a lot of his earlier work, but I believe Titanic was the last Good Movie he was actually involved with.  However Titanic isn't the Movie I have chosen to go with, instead I have chosen to go with, for me and for many others, the Movie that brought him to the attention of the world: 'The Terminator' ["The" being canonical, even though most people drop it].

To me I wish Cameron would stop and reflect on his past, and I wish many others would too and look back at movies like this, that focused on story and plot development and background and brought something of an intrigue for the viewer, I hate the preoccupation with special effects now where film studios seek to make CGI movies with as close to real life imagery as they can - what's wrong with using ACTUAL real life imagery???

Here's the trailer:

Here's the IMDB entry:

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