Day 13: A Movie That Is A Guilty Pleasure

This post is part of a series of posts in The 30 Day Movie Challenge

This was a tricky one because if you know me and if you have read these posts over the 30 days you'll see that my taste in Movies is rather - odd - and that there are a fair few Movies that a lot of people might be embarrassed to admit they like.  I guess in this situation I should pick a Movie I like but that I would be slightly embarrassed to admit to a complete stranger.  So I've gone for: "St Trinian's", now if you haven't seen this Movie then you are missing out.  It's basically a tale of a young girl who feels disaffected and socially disconnected who finds comfort and acceptance when she eventually moves into a boarding school full of misfits and non-conformist anarchists, lead by a head teacher who is just as eccentric.

If my high school had been anything like St Trinian's I might actually have enjoyed my time there.

Here's the trailer:

Here's the IMDB entry:

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