I do not think there is a single Economic of Societal model that exists on this Planet that could ensure fairness and equality for all. I don't think the real question to ask is of the flaws in our current conceptions - no - I think the real question you have to ask yourself is why: Why is it that we have never perfected a strategy in these areas?
Is it really true to say that man-kind lacks the foresight, ingenuity and creativity to build a social and economic system that works? Personally I think this is a misnomer, I think the reality is that we could if we wanted to but it wouldn't work.
The reason I think it wouldn't work is because I believe man-kind has a sadistic self-inflicted desire to be persecuted. I think as much as your heart and your head may convince you otherwise, deep down on some level as a race we want confrontation, we want persecution - we want something to fight about.
Animosity and Anger are after all as much human emotions as Love and Happiness. I recently read a quote critiquing the Planet of the Apes Movies as epitomising the Human Condition by saying: 'they perfectly represent our most primal fear of being placed in a position where we are not Alpha'. Borrowing even more from the world of Hollywood the Movie the Matrix went a little further and said in the story line that the first Matrix ever designed was a Utopian society, but it was a complete failure, Humans rejected the programming because they craved hardship and the struggle of life.
I'm not saying these elements of life are enjoyable or at all pleasurable - maybe to some they are but to most they are not; however we cannot deny that Humanity has strived to become the dominant race, the dominant life form on this Planet. Something has to be said about the plethora of Hollywood blockbusters and TV Series about Aliens coming to Earth that often cast these Aliens as the Antagonist here to enslave / dominate / wipe-out Humanity, the plot eventually producing a Human protagonist who saves the day and restores the "natural order" where Humanity is once again Alpha.
Movies are fiction, but they were dreamt up by Humans and their plots and characters are as much an insight into our collective Psyche as any work of Fact - maybe even more-so than fact, after all Fiction represents our imagination and desires - the things we would do, if we could.
So I'll leave you with a thought: if a Utopian Society was established, how long do you think it would last?
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