Are you listening?

Related to a conversation I had with a friend about text conversations this post extends the topic to all conversations, by phone, email, Skype, MSN and even in person [I know can you believe people still do that?]

The question is: How can you be sure the other person is listening?  Now in the sake of emails and texts and other written communication that still applies as 'listening' in this respect means actually reading what you wrote.  A long text or email for example, when the other person replies with one line or less, maybe even just 'k' infuriates me because it leads me to one of two thoughts: "Is that all you can say?" or "You didn't even read that?"

There are a number of ways you can respond to this, for me when this happens to me, I will ignore you.  Indefinitely if needs be. Until you either apologise or acknowledge what you did.

This whole topic arose as the result of a text conversation I was having with someone which they did not reply to for over a week.  That's not the longest they have ever gone without replying either, the longest has been a month.  They acknowledge the text when they eventually reply which makes it worse because that lets you know they did get it - and ignored it.

Staying in touch is a duplex system.  You have to make the effort and so do they.  If they don't then why should you?  I am adamant in my beliefs which I have shared repeatedly: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", this is a contract in my eyes, not only does it mean I should treat others as I want them to treat me, but it also means that I should treat others the same way they treat me.

I learned a long time ago, I don't need people I don't care about in my life and I don't need people who don't care about me in my life either.

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