Reboot Button

A long conversation on the concept of consciousness with a friend resulted in the posing of a question:  What if there are an infinite number of alternate time-lines, each one representing our lives with tiny variations of the path taken, ultimately resulting in any number of outcomes.  You soul follows each one from beginning to end, before taking up the next and repeating the process.  Each time forgetting what has already been learned from experience - or at least hiding this knowledge from your mind and your consciousness.

In essence when your life here and now runs its course and ends, your soul will go back to the beginning and follow another path.  Each of these lives are existing now in parallel to this one from our perspective but followed in sequence from the perspective of your soul.  How many times have you thought how different your life would be had you made a certain change, if you had changed schools if you had met different people.  What if that thought is borne out of your soul recognising that the remainder of this time line is going to happen as it happened before that it is 'bored' and now contemplates how it could have been different?  What if those moments of deja vu where you have felt something was familiar, like it happened before, out of body experiences, all those times you have known what someone was going to say, or do before they did it.  What if they weren't coincidence, what if they were memories from your soul bleeding through?

Could you face the reality that you are repeatedly living the same life over and over again?  Moreover, knowing all you have done and all you have been through, if it came to it, that you were going to repeat your life and you had the choice to be born a baby with all the memories of your previous time-line, all of them good and bad, would you choose to remember?

I do not know if I would choose to remember.  I don't know if I could live my life again with the foreknowledge of everything that happened and was possibly going to happen again.

Update [26/02/2024]

I've been restoring some old blog posts and whilst I have pretty much left everything untouched save for a few editing updates and fixing broken links, I have to say this post in particular caught my eye.  A lot has happened in the 13 years that have passed since I wrote it and in all honesty my view that I would not want to live my life over has been further cemented to the point where my resolution is now concrete - I do not want to do this again, I'd already been through a lot when I wrote this and everything since has not made it worth it.  They said "It Gets Better" - it's been 13 years and it's only gotten worse. 

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