Halloween Movies

Halloween is fast approaching and in the spirit or lack of as the case may be I thought I'd share something that has been playing on my mind - Halloween Movies.

They suck.  There has not been a good one in years.  In my youth Wes Craven was a God but even now the Scream franchise has been bled dry - quite apt given the amount of blood he used in those movies.  Gone still are the movies that as a child scared the shit out of ya, nightmare on elm street and Freddy Krueger are irreplaceable.  Even so on the lighter side of things even the parody / spoof movies have dried up.  The Scary Movie franchise has been bled dry too - although to be fair when you create a sub-genre like that it can't exactly persist if the genre as a whole is failing.

I Know What You Did Last Summer, Valentine, Scream, Scary Movie, Nightmare on Elm Street, to name but a few.  In recent years the movie industry has not fed our appetite, year on year for almost 5 or 6 years each Halloween they released yet another Saw Movie - that franchise has really been overdone.  These movies miss the point of Halloween, these movies aren't meant to be gore and disgusting to watch, they are meant to be scary.

I want proper Halloween Movies again!  I want movies that are going to scare the shit out of you, not ones that are potentially gonna make you puke.

Or at the very least, bring back Movies that on some level play to our darker sense of humour, like the Child's Play Movies and the Chucky Movies - Bride of Chucky and Seed of Chucky.  Bride of Chucky starring the amazing Jennifer Tilly as Tiffany whose voice is the epitome of the saying "It's like hot honey dribbling down a gang plank"

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