
Consider if you will a young man named Brian.  Brian is 20 years of age and approaching his 21st Birthday.  Other than one unique ability there is nothing special about this young man.  You would never know of the power he possesses if you were to set eyes upon him, indeed if he never told you you would likely never know.  Brian's power is that of foresight.  With little effort he can close his eyes and see the future that will be if an action is performed.  That future is a what-if scenario, as if the action is not performed, then the prophecy is never fulfilled.

Brian was 16 years old when he first discovered his ability.  He thought his power was nothing more than fair judgement, until he set about contemplating scenarios he had no prior experience of such as entering random houses upon his street, within his mind he could explore every room and see the contents as clear as if he stood before them. Brian soon used his ability to amass a great personal wealth.  Following many Gambling routes through Lottery draws and through stocks and shares Brian amounted many millions and by the time he was 21 he was the richest man in the World and regarded as the luckiest.

His riches did not bring him happiness.  He was rich and powerful but ultimately he was alone.  Save for his family who were often jetting about the world from country to country, since he had amassed wealth he had seen his family grow more and more distant spending less time together.  What little friends he had from before he discovered his powers had abandoned and betrayed him to his wealth, some seeking to exploit him and others simply feeling as though they no longer held any commonality with him.  Brian became lonely and found it exceptionally hard to meet anyone.  Whomever he met he could not be sure if they were interested in him or his money, fortunately or unfortunately whichever your outlook, Brian's gift could answer that question rather quickly.

Brian had come to consider his gift a curse.  Having all the material possessions he had ever wanted and all the luxuries any man could wish for he was left still alone and wanting of the simplest of pleasures, those that no amount of money could truly buy.

You are Brian.  In your mind.  That inner child that strives and wants for all that you ever want, this is Brian.  What you have read is what happens when you get everything you ever wanted.  Granted this is only one scenario and you may find that your world may be completely different if you were to have everything you ever wanted, but in terms of Psychology alone it is quite clear that material possessions alone do not make us happy.  The initial purchase or gifting is a momentary high and soon after you have wore away the novelty the possession does not contribute to your life.

Time and again through extensive study the one thing which crops up and has been proven to be the path to happiness is quite simply social interaction.  Your friends are the greatest thing you will ever know: A man who has nothing and is surrounded by friends will be happier than a man who has everything and is completely alone.

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