Miranda Hart :: Miranda

This video is a collection of clips from the BBC Sitcom 'Miranda' which follows the title character's life.  She has a will they or won't they love interest, an insufferable Mother, posh friends with 'posh names' like Clemency Twistertonought while also running a joke shop which she loves.  The title character is played by Miranda Hart, a comedian who among other things has appeared on TV Shows, Game Shows and even her own Radio show 'Miranda Hart's Joke Shop' from which the TV series was later adapted.

The series is semi-autobiographical, having admitted that many of the aspects of the show involve situations she has indeed been in and many of the characters lifted straight out of her own life.  The thing I love most about this show as well as one of my other favourite comedy shows is that Miranda often breaks the 4th wall, there will be times in the show when something happens or someone says something that need explaining or even at times just to let the audience know what her character is thinking, Miranda turns directly to the camera to the viewer and speaks directly to them, sometimes even just a fleeting look to the viewer as if to say "I know!" or "I don't believe it either", the other characters are not aware of this at all and it really is a case of momentary out of body experiences shared with the viewer.  Although in one episode in particular where Miranda and her Mother attend a joint therapy session her mother, imitating Miranda, says something then does her own cut to camera line directed straight at the viewer.

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