Peter Kay :: Britain's Got The Pop Factor. . .

"Britain's Got The Pop Factor and Possibly A New Celebrity Jesus Christ Soapstar Superstar Strictly On Ice" to give it its full title was the brainchild of the brilliant comedian that is Peter Kay.  It was created at a time when British TV was entrenched in Reality TV Shows "Talent" shows and endless productions from Simon Cowell.  The show took the piss out of as many reality shows as it could.  The entire thing from start to finish is scripted and none of it is real.  Nevertheless the show picked an act from the auditionees, her name was Geraldine McQueen [played by Peter Kay] and she was the typical contestant with a 'sad sob story' background.

The show charted her fame, her struggle, her family issues etc and even orchestrated a tabloid scandal where it was revealed in Geraldine's past she was born as Gerald and had transitioned.  The clip above is from the results show of the final.  One thing you may ask yourself as you watch the series is that although you are well aware that the entire thing is scripted at times the similarities with the real shows are uncanny and you do have to question how much of the real shows truly are sincere.

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