Acceptance versus Exception

I have seen hatred and I have seen pain.  I have seen people judge others and I have seen others in tears on the receiving end of this hate.  I have seen people who have been to the lowest points that a man can reach all thanks to the hatred of others.  All this I have seen and of all this I know one thing recurs - belief determines how we act.  What we believe influences our behaviour more than anything else.

I have known acceptance and I have known love.  I have known selfness sacrifice and unconditional love.  I have known men who would pledge their life that you be kept safe.  This determination is admirable, heart warming and at times it can bring a tear to your eyes - but it is that tear, so bitter to taste created from such love that stands as the greatest reminder that mankind can pursue hatred with the same determination.  This determination through history has seen many atrocities carried out.

I have heard the word 'acceptance' thrown around in many circles, a word that is used politically with many connotations.  This word has lost its true meaning and become synonymous with tolerance - that is to put up with something, not to like it or hate it but simply to tolerate it.  That is not acceptance.  Acceptance is much more than tolerance.  Acceptance is the gratification and treatment of those you accept as equal to you.  Acceptance is not to harbour resentment or disdain for what others do.

I have come to question if someone I know truly accepts me, or has simply made an exception for me.  That is to say that they hold all the views they did before, the same vehement objection, the same condemnation and ultimately judgement they pass on others.  In my case due to my sexuality.  My sexuality has never been an issue, not one they have been vocal about, but their words and their beliefs in many things have brought me to question whether they accept me for who I am, or whether they have simply made an exception for me.

If the latter is true then I shed a tear and I do not know if I can continue a friendship.  To make an exception as opposed to acceptance is to basically say:

"If we were never friends I would hate you because you are gay, even though I don't know you or anything about you"

That judgement to me is incredibly unfair and is anything but equal.  To accept me is not to make an exception for me but to accept anyone that could be me.  If my sexuality is the issue then you must come to accept my sexuality in general, not to do so, simply means that you continue to feel the same way, and ultimately deep down you feel the same way about me, you just don't say it or acknowledge it.

If you hate Gay people you hate me.  If you think Gay people are going to Hell for their sexuality then you think I am going to Hell.  There can be no exception, you cannot believe that all Gay people, except me, will go to Hell for their sexuality.

Just because you do not direct those views at me does not mean they do not hurt me.  If you still hold them for others like me then they hurt me.  And I pity you.  I truly do for:

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