Christine Lewis

This next post is dedicated to a Movie / TV Mini Series that I love so much.  The 10th Kingdom.  It has been mentioned before in a number of posts throughout my blog for the happiness and joy and nostalgia of childhood memories that it conjures up, but there are moments of tragedy in this Movie too.

The story follows Virginia Lewis and her father Tony Lewis.  Tony is a Janitor and lives on the edge of Central Park in New York City in the apartment block where he works.  The two inevitably get mixed up in a sinister plot that sees them move from our world through a magic portal into a world of magic and fairy-tales.  It is discovered through the course of the Movie that the world of fairy-tales once recounted by the brothers Grimm was in fact real and they had travelled there long ago.  The world has changed and to paraphrase Prince Wendell, Grand-son of Snow White 'Happy ever after didn't last as long as they'd hoped'

By the end of the Movie we learn the truth that Virginia's Mother Christine who had been missing for several years had ran away and become caught up within the same world.  Christine was taken by the Evil Stepmother who tried to kill Snow White and she became her protégé and sought to finish her work.  Once again the idea of destiny and fate plays heavily as the people of this world of magic have long accepted that what must happen will happen no matter what you do.  The ultimate tragedy here is that Virginia, the lost girl who missed her mother for so long and longed to see her one more time, in the end, inescapably fulfils her own destiny and becomes the one to kill Christine.  It is only in Christine's dying breaths that she repents and shows remorse for her actions trying to comfort her daughter as she passes away.

I love this movie and it would be no understatement to say that I have watched it hundreds of times.  I had it first on VHS and now on DVD and every now and then I spend a day watching the whole thing or a few nights watching bit by bit.

The video I attach below is the trailer for the whole Movie / Series, I hope you enjoy.

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