Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

As stated in a previous post there are a number of scenes throughout the Harry potter Story arc that I could include in this list.  There are two in particular that stand out for me, the first has already been mentioned in a previous post - the death of Sirius Black - the second is the death of Cedric Diggory.

Although J.K. Rowling like many authors writes primarily for children there seems to be a consensus that death isn't beyond the realms of acceptance as a topic that can be included in a children's novel.  I am not sure how I feel about that though in all honesty and I will discuss this in more depth in a future post.  For now there's something to ponder, there are over 50 characters who died in the Harry Potter series across all 7 books.

The death of Cedric Diggory happens quite quickly, at the close of the Tri-Wizard Tournament in the fourth instalment of the series 'The Goblet Of Fire' it is not the scene of Diggory's death but the return and the realisation when all of Hogwarts and Diggory's father learns of his son's death it is in that moment the emotion is released and the sadness grips his friends and the viewer.

The video I link below once again is not the scene itself but a trailer for the Movie.  I could not get the actual scene due to copyright issues.

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