Someone Like You

James Corden in this video pretty much sums up my feelings on Adele.  She is an amazing singer and I know that her rapid rise to fame for some came so quickly that they label her as over exposed and to be deemed unworthy of the level of fame she has achieved - to them I simply say I do not care what you think - that is arrogant but I do not care.

I believe Adele is amazing and her music makes me feel so much.  The video below is taken from her astonishing performance at the Brit Awards where so many were moved to tears by the emotion she conveyed.  The lyrics of the song express something that the majority of us will go through at some point, to lose a love and yearn for them, only to find that they have moved on but you have not.  This moment of persistent unrequited love can be one of the hardest things to face in life.  You may brush it off as someone overreacting or being a drama queen but the reality is that emotion is intensely personal and no-one can ever know what you feel, they can say the words "I know how you feel" and truly they may have been through the same thing as you in their past but they cannot possibly know how you feel inside.

This song is dear to me for many reasons, not least of all that I have been there, I have longed for someone for whom the chance had passed for us to be together.  2012 has been a year of progress for me, 3 months gone already and now we are into our fourth, so much has moved on not only in my world but in my heart too and I have a few people to thank for that, one in particular [you know who you are hug4 :)]

This song epitomises the tragedy of unrequited love, and this style of Music as a whole.  Please enjoy.

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