Would you eat The Apple?

Let's discard any views we have on Religion and approach this from a philosophical point of view for a moment.  Let's imagine the story of the Garden of Eden was true and that it really existed.  Now let's imagine you, and your partner are Adam and Eve or Steve or whatever floats your boat.

The story goes that Adam and Eve lived in The Garden Of Eden, a sanctuary created by God where they lived in peace and tranquillity, completely ignorant and protected from everything.  They hadn't a care in the world, they knew nothing of Science and they knew nothing of hunger, disease, war etc, and they wanted for nothing and were given all they desired all this under one condition, they never eat of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge.

Now let's imagine you and your partner, if you haven't got one, imagine the love of your life, the perfect partner you could ever wish for and imagine they were with you in the Garden.  The serpent rises with the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and tempts you with it.  On the one hand you can deny it and continue to live forever more in the Garden of Eden, in complete ignorance but ultimately without free will and without an understanding of the world around you - while on the other hand you have complete freedom, free will to do as you please in a world of your making, but with knowledge of all the realities of life.

Would you eat The Apple?

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