Blockbusters was a game show based on the American show of the same name. The show was popular in the UK during the 80s, and had revivals twice once in the 90s and once again in the early 00s. There has recently been a third revival which brought the show back to our TV screens on the satellite channel Challenge.
For me and many others this show was defined by the host Bob Holness who sadly passed away earlier this year on the 6th of January. The video I link below is an example of the show which also features Bob Holness in his marvellous role as host. The show has been hosted by Michael Aspel, Liza Tarbuck and in its current incarnation by Simon Mayo but in my opinion no-one could ever replace Bob.
There's is not more I can say about this show apart from the format, that players compete to create a bridge from one end of the board to the other. They must do so by claiming hexagons of the board by answering questions their only clue for which is the first letter of the answer.
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