The Weakest Link ran for 13 years, from 2000 to 2012 inclusive. The show was presented by Ann Robinson who became known for her steely gaze and cutting sense of humour. The who was even given a nod of respect from the Doctor Who series when an episode set on a Satellite in Orbit around Earth known as the Game Station beaming continuous Game Shows to all of Humankind included a version of the Weakest Link which was presented by the Ann Droid, a robot built to mimic Ann's ruthless personality traits.
The video I link here is a comic relief edition of the show. In the opening Monologue as a nod to the above episode of Doctor Who you can see the Ann Droid behind the real Ann Robinson. This episode was a Doctor Who Comic Relief special and features many of the characters from the series and the Docotr at the time, David Tennant. The Weakest Link was popular and took off to become an international success with variations broadcast around the world.
There is little more to be said about this show as its success and appeal speak for themselves, so enjoy!
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