19 - Incredible Games

During the 1990s in the UK there were a slew of Game Shows aimed at kids.  The main television networks BBC, ITV and Channel 4 each had their own contenders, the BBC's contender was none other than 'Incredible Games'.  I have mentioned this show in my blogs posts before so it should come as no surprise that it is mentioned again here and yet again I pay homage to my favourite mini-game of the show, The Dark Knight.

Incredible Games was set in a fictional Tower which had a talking lift.  Contestants entered the lift and had to make it to the top of the tower, to do this the lift would ascend through the various floors, on each of which there would be a mini-game the contestants had to complete.  The better their score the more points they earned and ultimately the higher in the tower they could progress.

Although one of my favourite game shows this entry features quite low in my list for a number of reasons the most obvious of which would be that it was very much a kids show which in itself is not a bad thing but it did have a limited audience and at the time had little real competition.  I still look back on it with fond memories but I do not think it has stood the test of time.

Yet again the video I link is that of the Dark Knight mini-game

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