26 - QI

As with Never Mind The Buzzcocks, I considered whether or not I would include this entry in my top 30 list or just mention it after.  In the end I have decided to include it.  QI - Quite Interesting, is a game show hosted by the indubitable Stephen Fry.  Although having said that Stephen Fry can't half be annoying some times.

The reason I had reservations with including this series is because the scoring system of the show is quite a mystery.  Apart from Fry, thee is one other resident of the show and that is Alan Davies - who is marvellous - who is so often seen a a scapegoat.  The other three contestants are celebrities and public figures.  Contestants are asked questions which they all have the opportunity to answer and points are given depending on how interesting or relevant their answer is, and points deducted for wrong answers.  How exactly the number of points awarded is worked out has never been shared and the scores aren't revealed until the very end.  Alan Davies as the scapegoat so often ends with a score which is a negative number although many guests end the show with the same fate.

Nevertheless, even though the scoring is a mystery and the competition element is questionable the series itself is fantastic.  The show came about at a time when other game shows were progressing down an ever increasing spiral of general ignorance as opposed to knowledge and QI sought to bring things back to a level of interest.  The final round of the show is actually called 'General Ignorance' while the rest of the show runs with a theme.  The seasons of the show unlike other shows which run with simple numbering season 1, 2, 3, etc are actually lettered A, B, C, etc.  The current series in production is Series J - the 10th series which will air later in the year.

The clip below is from Series E.

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