Blankety Blank was by definition fabulous. The show was based on the Australian Game Show Blankety Blanks and the version I remember most was presented by the hilarious Ms Lily Savage - the alter ego of the comedian Paul O'Grady. Lily Savage is one of my favourite characters in Comedy and her television roles have been most entertaining.
The concept of Blankety Blank is quite simple, there are two players they take turns in playing a single round, Lily presents them with a short phrase with a word missing, the contestant's job is to guess the missing word. Playing with them are six celebrities who Lily asks to complete the same short phrase. This is done simultaneously, then the six celebrities reveal their word and for each that matches the contestant's guess the contestant wins a point, they need 6 in all to make it through.
I remember the show mostly for its obvious inevitable innuendos with the game structure but also for Lily as host who had moments of pure comedy. The video below I link is a series of out-takes from the show that never made it to air.
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