The Meaning Of Life

I have a question

It is rather complex and your answer will explain your view of a soul.

A man is 35 years old and has his legs amputated.  They are replaced with robotic limbs

At 36 he has his arms amputated and they are replaced with robotic limbs.

At 37 his stomach, lungs, heart and other major organs all below his neck are replaced with mechanical ones.

At 38 his entire chest and outer body is replaced so that only his internal organs in the head are still original.

At 39 his eyes are replaced by cameras.

At 40 the rest of the organs in his head except his brain are replaced with mechanical ones

At 41 the left portion of his brain is replaced with a mechanical one and the right is left as its original.

At 42 the right portion of his brain is replaced with a mechanical one.

At 42 his body from head to toe in its entirety is robotic.

The Question: At what point, if ever did he stop being human, and is the robot that survives, really him and sentient, and does it still embody his consciousness?

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