Taking our own advice

This blog is filled with advice, observations and criticisms and some general musings on the way the world works.  For all that I have written you'd think that I had it all figured out or that I was a man of the world that could use all this to his advantage, the truth is, knowing and doing are two different things.  It's one thing to know what you should do but it's another to actually do it.

I'm not alone in this respect I know a lot of you will have experienced this, particularly when it comes to relationships and dating you'll probably have experienced at one point being the source of advice for your friends.  Solving other people's problems it seems is easier than solving our own, perhaps the reason most prominent for this is when it comes to other people's problems we don't focus too much on what can go wrong or the negative ramifications instead we focus on the problem and a possible solution - in business this ignorance is known as blue sky thinking, where only the positive outcomes are considered and the constraints that normally apply are ignored and you come with an ideal world solution.

Life is not filled with blue skies unfortunately and when it comes to our own problems we often focus too much on what can go wrong as opposed to what can go right.  Meaning when it comes to solving our own problems we look at them from an entirely different perspective than those of the people we help.  'Do as I say and not as I do' comes into play here; if we would only look at our own problems the way we look at others then maybe we could solve them more easily, if only we could take our own advice.

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