
Blood flows within your heart, but for whom does it beat?  Does it beat for you or does it beat for another?  One who makes it race as you give chase or one who makes it stop with a fleeting glance?

That moment of passion without touch, the connection.

Your eyes meet and your heart stops, for that one moment your breath is taken away and they are all you see.

Your body fills with anticipation, warmth envelopes you.

Every hair on your body stands on end as you feel a rush you have never felt before.

They are the one.

They smile and your heart jumps, swooning it fills over capacity to the point where it might burst right out of your chest but then it contracts so fast the blood flows faster than it has ever flowed before and you are in that one moment bereft of worry, of sorrow, of any and all thoughts other than him and there in that moment you are consumed with ecstasy.

Your mind elevates and reaches Euphoria, your consciousness heightens and suddenly you snap back from one extreme to the other, from feeling nothing at all to feeling everything at once.

Every inch of your body you feel, your eyes widen, your heart struggles to steady itself, your breath rushes back to you as if you had just rose up from the deepest ocean starving for air.

The rush slows and your body regains composure but your heart is out for the count, spent for the moment, for now.

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