In the Universe of Harry Potter there exists a potion called Veritaserum which when consumed forces the drinker to answer truthfully any question put to them. In the 1997 Jim Carey Movie 'Liar Liar' the main character finds himself unable to tell any lies and is forced to tell the truth with mixed results, some hilarious some truly cringe-worthy.
Imagine if you will, a world where it was not possible to lie. Before we continue we need to clarify your definition of a lie. While most people will agree it is the intentional act of misleading through false information, we get into a grey area when we consider refusal to answer. For example if asked a question you know the answer to and you do not reply at all, would you consider that to be lying? While the more pedantic among you will insist it is not, they may still agree it is deceptive to withhold information - to the point where in a court of law withholding information is as bad as lying outright. Some will refer to this as a lie of ommission. As for the argument that not answering the question does not count as a lie, this gets complicated by the idea that you need to ask a question for it to be considered lying; a husband who cheats on his wife without her knowing and therefore she never asked if he was, would still be lying to her by having an affair and hiding it.
If we lived in a world where we could only tell the truth and we could not fail to answer any question when put to us, then the world we live in would be a very different place. For one, Politicians would become a very rare breed, albeit they already are to an extent, the career choice would become even less desirable than it already is. Other jobs would be made a lot easier however as court cases for all manner of trials would be settled in a fraction of the time.
The question you have to ask yourself to be incredibly corny is whether or not you think you could handle the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, all the time. To give yourself a better idea of what that would mean then think of 6 questions. These questions should be 3 for yourself and 3 for other people. The 3 for yourself should be 3 questions you would never want to answer. The 3 for someone else should be 3 questions you would like to know the answer to with complete certainty that the answers you will get is the complete truth. Think of the possible answers to both and whether or not you would actually want to know and want other people to know.
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