Is there ever a place in life for false pretences? When someone treats you well and you thank them for it you feel gratitude and you feel a degree of happiness. When you later find out their efforts were insincere and that underneath the amicable projection they actually hated you - that hurts more than someone outright telling you so from the beginning.
I'm not deluded I know that not everyone in life is going to like you, and in fairness I gave up on that idea long ago. I don't expect everyone to like me, I expect to be treated with some respect. If you don't like me I would rather you said so, then I know where I stand. That to me is honesty, whereas the false pretence feels deceptive.
When someone is a cunt and quite openly admit to being so, you know what to expect from them. In a strange way you can trust them more than anyone else because you know if they don't agree with something or they have any negative thought they will share it. When someone acts nice on the surface but underneath they are a cunt, that is deceptive. By nature they are hiding things from you. Those people are harder to trust. This is one of the reasons I stand by my stance, that I do not trust people who smile all the time and are always happy. It is a fact of life that things will go wrong, and you will have bad days. It happens and we deal with it. Bottling that up and not sharing your emotions in moments like that casts you in the light of a closed heart.
The question however still stands, should you care what anyone really thinks of you and how they really feel? Or should you only care about how they treat you and act towards you?
Is it important to feel loved by someone who genuinely loves you, or is it enough to feel loved by someone who actually hates you but treats you as if they loved you? From your point of view unknowing of the truth they both look and feel exactly the same, and for those we trust, the latter won't even cross our minds as a possibility.
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