A scathing retort of little merit and demonstrative of a lack of imagination, and inability to articulate ones thoughts in a coherent and cohesive manner such as to form a rebuttal, the common or garden hyperbole "Go Fuck Yourself" is thrown around by those unversed in the fine art of insults. Yet this quaint little assertion is one often overlooked in consideration of the pursuit of even a modicum of sincerity; but what if we were to pause for a second and actually contemplate this assertion?
To truly examine this turn of phrase we must first define what it is to fuck. If we define it loosely as giving sexual pleasure then to go fuck yourself would be to go give yourself sexual pleasure which is entirely possible and the past time of many a teenager. However if we were to define this term more tightly we must say that it must concern sexual intercourse then discounting the notional romance of masturbation the question arises under what circumstances could you actually meet yourself and be in the position to fuck yourself.
Form a science fiction standpoint we could draw from the ideas of time travel or flash cloning, through each of which we could actually meet ourselves. Discarding the philosophical and metaphysical ramifications of crossing timelines and the ethical or moral issues depending on your religious stance with regards to progeny if we consider this scenario we come to another question namely would you actually want to fuck yourself?
The answer to that question will perhaps be guided mainly by whether or not you find yourself sexually attractive, that is to say whether you would be your own "type" as it were. For some this will be the case and for others not; perhaps in the case of those for whom it is not, the curiosity of having a sexual experience with someone who has such an intimate understanding of their own body would in and of itself by suffice to inflame the passion and desire within thy loins.
So here I ask of you one simple question, would you go fuck yourself?