Dance like nobody is watching

Do you dance when you're alone?  When no-one else is around and you listen to your favourite music, do you ever get lost in the moment and feel free?

One of the things I see a lot in single people is the anxious feeling that others will judge them for how they behave, so they alter their behaviour to be close to what they think attracts others.  On the flip side what I see from people in long term relationships and those who are married is an honesty and openness about each others' behaviour. 

Some people say you find love when you stop looking for it, or that it finds you.  I have a theory the reason that's true for some people is down to this alteration in behaviour.  When you're not looking, you stop trying to be something you're not, and embrace who you are.  You stop trying to be the person that you think attracts others and just be yourself. 

If openness and honesty, and above all else, self-acceptance, is what ultimately leads you to happiness then I think the only path you can really pursue is the path of least resistance.  In other words, stop listening to what other people tell you to do or say, and do what feels right to you.  Trust your own judgement.

So dance like no-one's watching, because that's what feels natural to you, don't dance the way others want you to, or stop yourself from dancing at all.  At the end of the day all that achieves is to turn yourself into a puppet, of which you let everyone but yourself pull the strings.

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