Our story begins with Brian who fostered Scott. Scott was never particularly pleased about this situation and longed for his own place. Brian already had a son named Will who was often forgotten. Brian met Erin and they got married. They were married for a while but unhappy with the way Brian treated her Erin divorced Brian. Erin was pregnant at the time and gave birth to a boy named Aaron. Brian and Erin fought over the child and eventually Brian got custody. So Aaron went to live with Brian, Scott and Will.
Brian decided to remarry after meeting Eugenie. Erin and Eugenie grew closer. After some time Brian decided to divorce Eugenie, thinking that he could do better. Scott had grown fond of Eugenie and didn't want to stay with Brian anymore so Scott tried to get his own place.
Aaron was also upset by the way Brian treated Eugenie. Erin wanted Aaron to move out and come back to live with her. Erin's closeness to Eugenie and the thought of Scott moving out leaving him with just Brian and Will made Aaron consider Erin's offer.
The story pauses here. What happens next isn't written. Scott will probably move out as he's wanted to for some time. He'll probably get a place close to Eugenie. As for Aaron he's quite unpredictable now. Aaron has turned against Brian because of the way he treated Eugenie. Aaron may well end up living with Erin again. Only time will tell.
If you're a little confused then here's the explanation:-
Brian = Britain
Erin = Ireland
Aaron = Northern Ireland
Scott = Scotland
Eugenie = The EU
Will = Wales
Read it again if you have to.
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