Before you identify a political faction, a party, a movement, or any other ideology I would like to interject. The title of this post is a question but it is not one I want you to answer, instead it is one that I intend to answer for you.
For all the actors you would have identified above I would premise initially that they are symptoms and not a cause. I would also say that while society is collapsing it will not collapse entirely. What is happening right now is a correction and it is necessary.
When you want to train a dog to behave in a given way, the most effective method of training is through Operant Conditioning. This involves one of two approaches, either to give a reward for a desirous behaviour or to give punishment for a behaviour that is not desirous. The process continues until the behaviour becomes engrained, at which point the reward or punishment is taken away and the subject should behave in the desired way without the need for a reward.
Society is collapsing because for centuries humans have been manipulated. I am not talking about conspiracy theories, I am not talking about the Illuminati, or a New World Order, or any other Shadow Government. I am talking here about simple economics and the pursuit of power. The world for the most part is controlled by a capitalist system. Even those countries which do not operate capitalist economies are subject to the impact due to globalisation. Capitalism requires 99% of the populous to be servile, and share only a fraction of the wealth it holds, whilst the other 1% controls the system and the majority of the wealth. This is not a conspiracy, this is economics, this is not a secret, not an opinion, this is how capitalism works. Those at the top profit off those at the bottom.
For centuries, those at the bottom have been subject to Operant Conditioning, not as a conspiracy but as a simple consequence of the structure of Capitalism. Those at the bottom are expected to behave in a given way, and in return they are drip fed wealth as a reward for that behaviour. Like a dog being trained, this has been the case for generations. You behave yourself and you are rewarded.
The reason society is collapsing right now is because this system has faltered. The current generation and the future generation coming of age, have prospects that are less than those that came before them. The reward for behaving has been removed and as a result, the system is being questioned. People are responding in their own ways to the fact that they did everything they were told and they didn't get what they were promised.
Left, Right, Authoritarian, Liberal, Conservative, Socialist, Communist, take whichever side you want and the same thing is prevalent throughout all sides and all parts of society right now - people are not getting what they were promised. As a result they have hit back at the systems and the individuals they believe to control the reward system and the dispensation of what they believe they are owed.
This has given rise to ideologies on all sides. From the left to the right, from those in democracies to those who pursue extremism, the same thing is true across all factions - they were conditioned to believe they would be rewarded for their behaviour and they did not receive that reward.
There is a correction occurring in the world right now. The rise of political factions to power that you do not agree with is endemic of pursuit for reward. From coal miners in the US electing a president who promised to restore their industry, to religious zealots who fervently pursued their religious beliefs in the hope of being rewarded by a higher power, through to those who pursue globalization at all costs in the belief that supranational agencies and geopolitical unions will deliver what their own national governments have failed to give them for generations. The same pursuit is of reward runs common to all.
Whilst opposing political ideologies will rise, and this may unsettle you, there is a universal truth that you must take faith within - order always emerges from chaos. What you see as destruction and reversal of progress is not permanent. It is placation. It is acknowledgement by those in power that they took away the reward too soon. It is acknowledgement that humanity still needs a reward to behave in the way those in power want it to.
You can see this at play if you take the USA as an example. A populist President was elected who promised to restore the industries of those who worked all of their lives for a reward that never came, so that they can return to work and be placated. A tax relief plan was introduced that ultimately gave more wealth to those at the top, but after it was introduced, those institutions and companies that benefited used the money to pass it back to people, whilst the flow is incredibly small, and represents the ultimate flaw in trickle down economics, the importance is the perception. To those that voted for him, they believe they got what they wanted, they believe they got their reward. This will come at a price, that is for certain.
The rise of populist parties across the world represents the same efforts by those in power to placate those who are angry in an attempt to quell the rebellion that is happening under their very noses. This isn't about who is right and who is wrong, this is about the restoration of order. For those who find themselves opposed to the governments that are elected, you can fight, you protest, or you can wait patiently, whichever choice you make is irrelevant, your time for placation will also come, but right now you are not the systemic threat.
When markets rise they boom until their peak, when evaluations far surpass realistic expectations, when industries become saturated, when growth can no longer be sustained, they crash. They undergo corrections, these often have impacts that last for generations. What we are experiencing right now is a crash of a market of a different kind, not one of economics but one of politics and control. This is not the work of an individual, it is not the work of a clandestine organization that wants to rule the world, this is the result of a society that has been slowly moving towards a world where humans behave a given way by choice, not because of reward, we're not there yet, and the removal of that reward has happened too soon, and this is the result.
Be patient.
This will pass.
This is not the first time this has happened.
This will not be the last.
You will live.
You will survive.
If you live long enough, you will live to see it happen all over again.
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