The Fifth Wall

Title The Fifth Wall in graffiti on a turquoise brick wall

'The Fifth Wall' is a journey through darkness that depicts a struggle with depression and anxiety and the pursuit of a means to reconcile the existence of both in life.

'The Fifth Wall' is a metafiction narrative that develops a relationship more intimately between the reader and the characters depicted within the narrative ultimately exploring the concept of the author as an absent protagonist within the narrative.

The themes of anxiety and depression feature prominently; this short novel was originally written as a form of therapeutic expression and reflects the mindset of an individual suffering from depression, readers of a sensitive disposition are advised not to read if they find content of this nature to be triggering.

This work was my first venture into the genre of metafiction and experiments with the concept of fourth wall breaking and by extension the idea of further layers of narrative as conceptual barriers between the reader and the content itself.

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