When the world around you seems to be falling apart, and the future is filled with darkness, it's hard to find hope and harder still to find a sense of stability. Life seems to have gone from one catastrophe to another in recent years with no end to the relentless flow of negativity. Each individual cause for concern fails to reach any point of closure. If you've ever had a bad breakup where you never gained a sense of closure then you'll know that mentality takes years to process and move on from.
I've always been of the opinion that every emotion is valid, both positive and negative, and that when those feelings surface, you should not try and repress them but rather allow yourself to feel them in totality in order to process them fully and be able to move on. The problem is that this mentality requires the source or the stimulus for those emotions to be finite. When that source is never-ending, the only thing you achieve is to mainline negativity like injecting a drug right into an artery - which is a very bad idea.