When you ask people to draw a line between Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence the definition most people use is that one imitates the other, or that one is the original and the other is the duplication. Is that really a fair assessment of what we actually interact with? Whilst most AI models at present are based on large volumes of human generated data which they then process and use to structure their responses, there's no guarantee this will remain the case in future, in fact you could argue that there is a guarantee that it won't.
When you look at data as a resource you can track its production over time and assert that production of data has grown at exponential rates. Humanity in the last few years alone has produced more data than it did throughout its entire history up until that point. That might be something you would protest at first but when you stop and think about it, with few historical records that were kept in the past there wasn't an emphasis on documenting everything in the way that such an emphasis now exists.