In a recent post I talked at length about the idea that I have had an impact on other peoples' lives without stopping to think whether that was positive or negative in the moment. When I finally reached the bottom of the rabbit hole that thought process lead me down, as I turned and contemplated the climb back to sanity, I thought about the question in reverse - namely, who has had an influence on my life that I haven't stopped to unpack, or that I have been ignorant to all this time?
I have PTSD because of a lot of fucked up things that happened to me when I was young, the guy that did it to me springs to mind first and foremost as he has undoubtedly had the biggest impact on my life, but he doesn't fit the remit of the question - whose influence have I been ignorant to, and with him at least I have spent the better part of 30 years trying to unpack and mitigate the effects of what he did.